
Location: Gothenburg, Sweden
Birth Year: 1979
Languages: Swedish, English
Experience: Some experience. Experienced on runways
Will travel: Yes
Will work for: Depends on assignment
Type of assignments: Fetish, goth, cyber, artistic nudity
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  Hair Color: Synthetic red
Height: 173 cm / 5.68 ft
Piercings: One in each nostril, one in lip, one in tounge, one in each nipple, one in bellybutton.

Special Skills: Acting, very good with animals (especially cats). Energetic.
Interests: Archeology, design, clothes (I make most of my own), music, faeries, makeup, books, DJ'ing at gothic and fetishclubs.

Have been a runway model at 5 different fashion shows, jewelry model for a friend and have been arranging fashion shows.

Model for Grothica clothing store
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To contact this model, e-mail Nocturnal Models Agency and include information about the job.
Only serious requests are considered. Title photo ©Elin Strigå
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