
Location: Stockholm
Birth Year: 1981
Languages: Swedish, English
Experience: Some experience
Will travel: Depends on assignment
Will work for: Depends on assignment
Type of assignments: Fetish, goth, a mix between ordinary and extraordinary, art, themes
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  Hair Color: Brown
Height: 170 cm / 6.8 ft
Piercings: Tongue and lip

Special Props: Corsets, cape, tons of shoes (ordinary as extraordinary), two black cats, gothic, fetish and ordinary clothes, colorful makeup
Interests: Photography, herbalism, tarot, witchcraft, dancing, video and computer games, singing

References: One of four main characters in a music dvd movie by "No Comment", released by record company "Nanopop" and made by Recyled Images Studio
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Only serious requests are considered. Title photo ©Tobias Fischer
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