
Location: Stockholm Swe, Cracow PL
Birth Year: 1977
Languages: Swedish, Polish, English, some French
Experience: Some experience
Will Travel: Yes
Will Work For: Depends on assignment
Type of Assignments: I keep an open mind, but no porn!
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  Hair Color: Black
Height: 170 cm / 5'58 ft
Piercings: Three; eyebrow, lip, navel

Special Skills: Anything fast and furious; bikes, snowboards and weapons
Interests: Science, motorcycles, travelling, design and much more


Music videos
Amaran "Inflict"
Satyricon "The Pentagram Burns", Oslo 2006

MC fair "On 2 Wheels". Client: MyAdventure
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To contact this model, e-mail Nocturnal Models Agency and include information about the job.
Only serious requests are considered. Title photo ©Johan Ahlberg
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