Elin Strigå
Founder, photographer
Malin Lindström
CEO, model

The idea of an alternative to the mainstream model industry had been on the mind of photographer Elin Strigå for a while and so she contacted one of her models Malin Lindström about starting the first alternative model agency ever located in Scandinavia. Malin went on to recruit several of the models now featured at NMA while Elin created the first web page that went online on Halloween 2003.

Right from the start-up, we noticed an extremely high interest from models all over the world. Applications kept coming in and interest from photographers kept increasing. We were needed on the scene!

As a policy, we both agreed that no measurements should decide if a model was suitable or not. “We first look at each persons charisma, attitude and photogenique ability” – Malin says.

Since its start-up, NMA has been run as a non-commercial agency. In 2004 we also began to provide additional services to our models and photographers. We now regularly arrange workshops where our models, photographers and stylists gather and work together for a few days. We also provide skill building events such as courses in Photoshop, make-up, legal training and more.

In 2005 Nocturnal Models Agency registered as a trading partnership. As for 2006, only time will tell, but we will continue to work hard to provide our models with quality assignments and strengthen our market position and brand.
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