Location: Stockholm, Sweden Birth Year: 1979 Languages: Swedish, English Experience: Experienced Will travel: Yes Will work for: Depends on assignment Type of assignments: Anything but porn
Hair Color: Black Height: 160 cm / 5.25 ft Piercings and tattoos: None
Special Props: Extended wardrobe of fetish clothes, shoes and hats Special Skills: Certified and professional makeup artist Interests: Fetish fashion (designing latex clothes). Running Swedens biggest fetish club in Stockholm - Dekadance.
Cover model: Skin Two issue #54.
Featured in Skin Two issue #53
Featured in Marquis Magazine #35
Featured in the Nocturnal Models Agency calendar for 2006
Featured in "Outsiders", Swedish Channel 5, Strix Television
Featured in "Sambo", Swedish TV4+ Featured in the card came "Love soap"
Featured in VeckoRevyn
Featured in Amelia
Featured in the Finnish magazine Tabu
Featured on several flyers
Runway for Seienstyle
Runway for Obygden
Part of Nocturnal Models layout
Piercing model for Diablo Bodypiercing
Featured in Expressen (Sunday paper "Hallĺ") as a latex fetishist and model [Link to online article]
Model for Misumi clothing
Picture photographed by Azra Halilovic exhibited on Moderna museet (Museum of Modern Art) in Stockholm
Featured in Alufem Magazine #1
Ad in Senze Magazine for Nocturnal Models Agency
Cover model: Elegy Ibérica